Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Although I am beginning to settle in here, I still feel homesick. It comes in waves and can appear at the strangest times. It isn't every day or even every week and sometimes it is stronger than others. Sometimes I feel like I can just go to my parent's house and pick up something that I forgot there when we moved... as if it is only a drive away. It can be as simple as craving a coffee at Starbucks. Other times, I miss everything and everyone at home. You don't realize how much you take it for granted that you can just go for a visit or go to a certain place until those people or that place are a 14 hour plane ride away.
Tonight the ladies of the building and their daughters invited me out for a nice dinner for one of their birthdays at a place not too far from our house. It was nice and I appreciate the gesture because it means a lot to find people who care about me here. I didn't expect to become very homesick during dinner, but the combination of the language barrier and the fact that the restaurant played American music was enough to almost put me in tears. Listening to the Beatles and eating with people who are all family except for me was too much for me and at that point I just wanted my family and my friends there.
I do like it here because this is where I belong now (at least for the time being) and I do have enough people and things here to keep me busy, but it's hard not to feel sad sometimes when I still feel that Connecticut is my home.

1 comment:

  1. When I moved to Idaho I got pretty homesick. I can only imagine that it is much worse moving to a foreign country. At least I can go to stores and places I am familiar with. Adjusting to a new place can take some time. When do you come back to the USA?
